Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Living Social Does it Again

Sweet Friends, I have a confession.  When I walk into Whole Foods or Central Market, I instantly feel healthier & skinnier.  Do you guys experience the "Healthy" effect too?  I mean, I just feel different than when I walk into a normal grocery store.  Just walking in makes me want to eat a salad instead of the pizza slice combo from Sam's!  Maybe it's the smell of organic veggies that does it, or maybe it's the fact that I paying more for everything.  I justify it by internally thinking I'm automatically healthier and skinnier.  Perhaps I'm not alone in this feeling because EVERY time I walk into either of these 2 stores, a million other girls are fighting over the salad bar too--like it's the best thing since sliced bread.   

At any rate, I am so excited about today's Living Social that I MUST share it with you! 

For just $10, you can get a $20 certificate to spend at Whole Foods!  I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to buy this?!

Follow the link below to get you yours!  And, it's good for 90 days.  So for my friend Miyan over in the Holy Land (Shout-out), you too can buy it because you'll be here in time to spend it. 

Go ahead, experience the "Healthier, skinner" syndrome with me!

1 comment:

  1. yay for the shoutout! =) i would totally get this however i plan on spending $0 on groceries while i am in town. my mom works for brinker and she has a chilis comp card = eating free at chilis. i would love for you and paul to join us! i will send the coupon to my mom too, im sure she would love it! she loves whole foods!!! and i totally agree with the healthy effect, i feel it too when walking in there as opposed to reg grocery stores....
