Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why don't you Pray about it?

A good friend of mine posted a quote on Facebook yesterday that stopped me in my tracks.

Wow.  I was so convicted when I saw this! 

Let me preface this by saying that I love my family more than anything--blood is thicker than water.  And I am VERY protective of my family.  Even when we rarely fight, we always make up and love each other more than we did before.

But, something recently happened in my family that has really affected me.  (It doesn't even involve me directly.  But it's hurt someone I love so much that I've taken my stance and have drawn a line in the sand...and it's a FIRM, clear line, like the gold line in front of the Alamo that William B. Travis drew.)  This issue bothers me to no end and I just can't seem to get past it.  First, I was completely shocked--utterly shocked, then I was disgusted, then I was really sad, and now, I'm just hurt and angry.  It is insane how much the selfish actions of 1 person has hurt me.  I know, I know, forgive and move on, but I just can't get past this.

My girlfriends have spent hours talking about this with me and giving me advice on how to handle the situation, and for that, I'm extremely grateful.  But when I saw this quote, I realized I hadn't prayed about the issue as much as I probably should have.  To be honest, I bet if I had prayed about this enough, I'd probably be over it by now.  (Wishful thinking...)

So, thanks "C. Jojola" for sharing this quote with everyone--I really needed to be reminded that I can't handle things on my own.  (This is very hard for a TYPE A personality to admit.) 

So, it's back to the good Lord I go:

"Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done."        Philippians 4:6

1 comment:

  1. I saw this on Pinterest a few days ago, and actually had a similar reaction. (btw, affected/effected)
