Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Friends, I'm so sorry I've been MIA lately.  With all that has been going on in my life, I'm just feeling like this girl....

I just feel like there is so much to do--so many items on my checklist.  It's almost paralyzed me just thinking about everything that needs to get done!

You all know that I am starting my own  business, and building it is SUPER hard work!  Not only do I have to get stuff together for my web designer and my social media firm, but I have to also work on the "business" aspect.  I need to set up meeting with vendors, get with my photographer, and network network network.  Oh, and I also have to get INVENTORY?!!  (Have any event decor you'd like to consign?? Email me---I need to fill up my website!) 

Recently, my sweet husband helped out by going to the bank to look into setting up Event Consignment's checking account....who knew there'd be soooooooo many options out there for small businesses?  This was a HUGE help because I've just been so busy with other stuff that I haven't had time to go to the bank!  He brought me a pamphlet with bullet points he'd made, and thanks to his help and time, I've decided where EC will bank and which account EC will use.  (CHECK...except now I have to go in and actually set it up..) 

And, as I am doing all of this, I do also still work for 7-Eleven...full time.  Last week was month end / quarter end, so I had a mile long list of reports to get out.  I still haven't crossed all of them off my list----I NEED to!  I considered taking work home, but then I remembered that my time at home is spent working on Event Consignment....ahhhhh! 

OH yeah, and I also spend Tuesday nights volunteering with the East Dallas Boys & Girls club.  My mentee this year is a senior so I am extra busy collecting scholarship information and enrollment applications for her.  (Yes, this is stressful and I could easily stop volunteering, but I like this stress.  It makes me happy that I can help someone else realize their dreams of going to college and getting as much scholarship $$$ as possible.  So, even though it adds items to my to-do list, I think it's worth it!)

Have you ever just felt so overwhelmed that you were paralyzed?  I think it happens to all of us!  As I sit here adding things to my to-do list (while writing a post), I just have to keep reminding myself that soon enough, I'll have my to-do's manageable and that taking the first step is sometimes the hardest!  Whew--it sho' is! 

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