Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Older - 1 Tooth at a Time

K, a few years ago at the annual
Greenville Avenue St. Patty's Day Parade
Early this morning, I got a phone call from this SUPER excited little girl.  K, my youngest sister, wanted to let me know that she'd "lost her first tooth without any tears shed" and that "the Tooth Fairy left $5".  When did the Tooth Fairy become rich?  I used to get $1 per tooth.  I told her how proud of her I was and that since she was a money maker, she could take me to get ice cream.  K said it didn't work that way--I still needed to buy her ice cream since I was older.  She told me she couldn't wait to show me her missing tooth at dinner tomorrow night (at our weekly haunt, Mi Cocina).  Sweet Turtle K, I can't wait to see it either!

These pictures were taken on our vacation to Cabo--they are the coolest!
I get a big kick out of teaching my younger sisters inappropriate things to say. (Even though I'm an adult doesn't mean I can have a little fun with them--right?)  For example, when we were gearing up to go on a family vacation to Cabo San Lucas, I told them to tell everyone we were going to Cabo Wabo.  I also taught them that song "Shorty got them apple bottom jeans and the boots with the fur" and occasionally, they will burst out singing that song.  It's hilarious, take my word for it. 

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